Male Luer Cap, Non-Vented, Red

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The products in our inventory are intended solely for use as components for further manufacturing, processing or incorporation into a finished device. These products are not intended for use as finished devices. Customers are solely responsible for determining whether a Qosina component product is appropriate for customer’s intended use and for ensuring that the use of the component product is in compliance with applicable laws. Our components are not available for sale to hospitals, physicians, and pharmacists.

3D CAD File Terms of Use
Use terms are automatically accepted upon download. To view the 3D CAD file Terms of Use agreement please click here.

Please be aware that 3D CAD files are provided as a courtesy and are for reference only. Specifications from the models are intended to help support form and fit analysis and speed your modeling process.

The specifications are subject to change and may differ from the actual product. Please check the model against prototype or production samples. You are responsible to evaluate the files for your use, and bear all risks associated with the use of any Content, including any reliance on the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of such Content;

You may use Content for internal computer-aided design use only. You may not (i) distribute Content as part of any service, (ii) copy or post any Content on any Internet site without permission of the owner of the Content, (iii) broadcast Content via any media, or (iv) use the Content in a manner that is competitive with Qosina.

The Content is provided for the convenience and information of engineers and designers who are designing products that may use similar models as a component or use similar features and design techniques. Registered Users may view and download the Content only for such purposes and not to use the Content on an Internet catalog site or Internet model site. Registered Users may copy and download the Content for model-building purposes provided that the Content provider retains all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the original Content on any copies of the Content.

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